The Let's Play Archive

Secret of Mana

by Ryushikaze, QB

Part 11: Moonwalkin' for the Win.

Cockmaster posted:

Yeah, you're probably going to have to start grinding off-camera pretty soon.

Nidoking posted:

In particular, I used to grind magic every time I got a new element or a new upgrade level. Since the magic becomes stronger if you use it enough, whether you hit anything with it or not, and there's usually a source of free healing available, there's little reason not to.

Yeah, I already did some as a result of losing my most current save because it decided to save into a different folder and needing to make up the intevening time.

Miz Kriss posted:

My sisters and I used to play the beginning of this game all the time when we were little. It's good to see what the game's actually about.

Well, we're coming up on the one quarter mark soonish, so stick around, you'll get to see all of it.

In today's outing, Sweet Revenge! Also going to rescue Dyluck and Phanna. I'd introduce her, but she's so one note right now it HURTS. Instead, I'm going to start explaining magic in a later update.

Episode 13- Moonwalkin' for the Win.